The Thoughts of Tony Rouse



When I think about great advertising slogans, catchphrases and taglines that move me to action, I can’t help but to look to the automobile industry for inspiration. Maybe it is something about these beautiful machines taking hairpin turns at 100 mph or the fact that in certain cars 130 feels like 55 on a back country road. Whatever the case, this industry has nailed it when it comes down to...

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So You Had A Melt Down… Now What?!?

So You Had A Melt Down… Now What?!?

It’s funny… I think in this day and age we tend to forget that moments of heightened pressure can happen and before we even realize it we’ve reached a tipping point and find ourselves scrambling for recovery from a situation that seemingly was under control. The thing is you will have moments whether working on a product, project or in life in general where you need to let off some...

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How To Build A Brand…

How To Build A Brand…

PART 1: Typically I’d jump in with a nice little quip about current events and how they apply to everyday life, but this time I’m stripping down to the bare bones of my expertise and hopefully it’ll help you in all that you go to do. In truth its a writing exercise for me as I begin to document the thoughts in my mind, but I figure why not let...

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Let’s Give Them Something To Talk About…

Let’s Give Them Something To Talk About…

A few months ago I was asked to be apart of a national conference scheduled to take place in Atlanta, Ga this upcoming Thursday. The excitement that I have comes from the fact that this conference is built for the entire family, but the core audience is teenagers. I’m sure at the very mention of the word ‘teenager’ many of us have flashbacks to episodes 10, 20, 30, 40 and...

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